Cenegenics - Staying Young at All Costs

Saw this article on Newsweek about Cenegenics - a growing and popular science that tries to invigorate youth into the not-so-young.

I think that there is something a little vain about trying to keep the body of a 20 year old when you are clearly 60. Sure, striving and trying to be healthy and strong is important, even vital for survival.

It would be stupid to let your body decay, but what if cenegenics has it all wrong?

What if we're supposed to age?

National Geographic says that the reason we have so many wildfires now is that we worked so hard to stop them from happening. Overgrowth and underbrush has created a virtual "tinderbox" in the west. Now, because we didn't let nature run its course and purge itself with fire, our fires are bigger and harder to control.

What if Cenegenics poses a similar problem down the road?

Unintended Consequences are a scary concept.

