Don't let the Christmas Blues get you down.
Here's seven ways to keep your holiday simple, and make those blues "red and green"
1. Make a list, check it twice - Instead of the mad dash to the mega-mart, throwing items in your cart left and right, make up a shopping list, and do your best to stick to it. In fact, why not get your WHOLE holiday organized with Flylady? Download and print off her Holiday Control Journal here. Zoe does this every year. You wouldn't believe how much simpler it makes the holidays!
2. Remember the reason for the season - Why do we celebrate Christmas? Birthdays were not even celebrated at the time Jesus was born! Why did this holiday originate? The reason Christmas resonates with us is that it's about giving, and sacrificial love - (God loved the world so much, He gave His only Son...) Remember that Christmas is not about fancy presents and credit card bills. It's about giving love...
3. Count your blessings - The holidays are a natural time to reflect and be grateful. Make a list of all of the things you have to be thankful for.
4. Relax - Don't stress. Sit on the bench at the megamart, take a break, make funny faces at the little kids when they walk by. Enjoy some time in the dark with your sweetie with only the Christmas tree lights.
5. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid! - Have a family meeting. Work with the whole family to set a reasonable family budget for Christmas. Make sure that budget fits your budget! Don't go into debt going crazy at Christmas. Instead, determine how much (or little) you are willing to spend on your family, and decide to stick with it. Don't spend 600 dollars on plastic toys that will break and end up at the bottom of the closet before next year. Buy timeless, meaningful gifts that your family will enjoy.
6. Grieve - Sometimes the holidays are hard for those who are missing loved ones. It's okay to cry, to hurt, and to grieve during the holidays. Don't feel bad about it. Find someone to talk to about it - a counselor, a pastor, a friend, a spouse. Write down some of your favorite holiday memories of your lost loved one. Don't feel bad about feeling bad. It's normal, and expressing those feelings will help you through the process.
7. Give Back - Find a local charity that you want to support, like your local Salvation Army. Volunteer to serve as a family at the local soup kitchen. Buy a goat for a family in Africa. ( Find out more at Samaritan's Purse. )
7. Give Back - Find a local charity that you want to support, like your local Salvation Army. Volunteer to serve as a family at the local soup kitchen. Buy a goat for a family in Africa. ( Find out more at Samaritan's Purse. )
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