About Us:

The Simple Family Blog is about simplicity...

In a world of carpools, swim meets, online banking, financial crisis, and a screaming debt to income ratio, we've found that people are longing for something simple.

That's why Apple and Google are successful. It's clean, clear, basic, simple, easy...

We thing that simplicity can translate to family life, and create the kind of synergy in a family that can help marriage grow stronger, personal budgets be more effective, children grow up better...

Our culture is constantly creating more and more clutter.

In the 1960's the average american was influenced by about 600 advertising impressions a day.
In 2008, the average american is hit with 1700 impressions each day.
Experts say by the year 2010, that number will near 5,000.
We're not against advertising, we're just saying that too much can clog our brains,

We're all about frugality, simplicity, and using technology to make families run smoother, and more efficiently.

